A review by alilbitofmonica
Happy Medium by Sarah Adler


This book was cute and silly and endearing in surprising ways. I want a ghost best friend now.

- A con artist learning to love goat farm life?? Adorable.
- Everett was so annoying at first but I grew to love him just as much as Gretchen did. Once he learned boundaries, he was great. His obsession with the TV was so funny.
- This entire premise was so fun and I honestly loved it. I was anxious for how it would all end but I am SO pleased with the resolution.
- I do wish that there was more buildup for Charlie and Gretchen, it feels like they went from 0 to 100 real quick and then played the back and forth game on being able to emotionally handle any sort of intimacy.

BRB gonna go buy myself a goat farm now k bye