A review by dyslexzak
100 Must-read Books for Men by Stephen E. Andrews, Duncan Bowis

funny informative inspiring lighthearted reflective fast-paced


Some people wake up and look at the sun as it rises. This image fills them with hope for the future, gives them a feeling of endless possibilities, and a sense of utter gratitude.
I do not feel this for a sunrise, but I do feel this for lists. I love lists and I love books, subsequently, I have read a large number of books like this one. A book that lists book recommendations! What could be better?
All this to say, when I tell you this is a truly excellent example of the genre, I'm speaking from a place of experience on the topic.

All jokes aside, it is amazing how in 100 recommendations, I could count on one hand the amount I'm not excited to rush out to read right now. I've read other books in the Bloomsbury Good Reading Guides collection and found the odd gem worth putting on my TBR for a rainy day, but the vast majority are either obvious examples of the genre being listed (and therefore feel like a waste of space), or simply don't get me excited enough to care. None of that can be said for this book.

It's truly impressive that in a book of such varied recommendations, seemingly trying to appeal to such a wide ranging audience as men, should be able to tempt me to almost every offering.
Perhaps it's a testament to the quality of the mini essays on each book, giving you just enough to tease your appetite, with the paragraph at the end for the author's biography to put it in the proper context. Not to mention the introduction, forward, and about this book sections discussing the topic of men's fiction and the reason they felt the need to write this book in the first place -- all of which was fascinating.

I might as well add the entire index to my TBR.