A review by alilbitofmonica
The Exorcist's House by Nick Roberts


Umm yeah I had the best time with this. Was it perfect? No, but the vibes were immaculate and I genuinely feel like this was a whole movie running in my head. The imagery and horror was insane and I just loved this.

- At first, I thought the female characters were written in a way that screamed “written by a man” BUT it got a lot better and the female characters became strong leads
- By about 40% the action picks up and it’s pretty consistently fast paced and TENSE for the rest of the book. I read the last 75% in one day because I couldn’t stop.
- I admittedly haven’t read a ton of exorcism books, but this one was great in my opinion. I think most of it was explained really well and even though not everything made sense in a human way (as it’s a supernatural theme), everything did seem to line up well.
- Every time I thought I knew what was coming… I didn’t.
- Pregnant characters give me such anxiety. I didn’t have a moment of peace every time Nora did something even remotely risky
- In the grand scheme of horror stories, I do feel like the characters behaved with as much logic and intelligence as they could/should - they learned and adapted well.
- The final “resolution” in the basement seemed to kind of happen really fast and it was over. Felt a little rushed and only very slightly anticlimactic. But I think the book as a whole had such a high energy and horror filled timeline that there probably wasn’t much worse it could get?
- THE ENDING? Yes. I loved it. I loved the last chapter.