A review by indiekay
Our Not-So-Lonely Planet Travel Guide, Vol. 5 by Mone Sorai


I had to work SO hard to read this book - I usually read all the volumes on Everand, but for some reason Everand would not let me download this book on my iPad or phone, and support was useless, and I managed to read a few pages on my phone until they stopped loading, and then I had to read the rest on my pc, and that was not the ideal viewing experience. BUT none of that was the book's fault, and I think it just shows how much I love this series that I was so persistent that I'd read it anyway.

This volume isn't as eventful as some of the others, but they meet a few new people that make impressions on them, and also catch up with some of the people from previous volumes. There's some VERY sweet moments between Asahi and Mitsuki, and Asahi makes some breakthroughs with his internalised homophobia. I am SO excited for the next one!