A review by stephdaydreams
Immortal by Sue Lynn Tan


As much as I try not to, there are some books I can’t help but enter with expectations set absurdly high. The higher set, the more eager my anticipation. I just can’t help it! And yes, sometimes those expectations may come crushing down upon the turn of the first page— but sometimes, sometimes they stay epically in flight. Soaring the heights desired. And this one's absolutely the latter.

I had the best time reading Immortal by Sue Lynn Tan. It's whimsical, dreamy, swoony; as well as emotional, angsty, and skin-prickling. I didn’t see some of those twists coming! I gasped, and screamed, and cried, and cheered. This book is one of those rollercoaster of emotions-- and you never want it to end.

Sue Lynn Tan’s prose continues to read like poetry. But it’s more than just pretty words— it’s beautiful sentiment. Oh my goodness, the amount of lines I highlighted! The poetry of her narration and dialogue is truly top notch in this book. It allows easy immersion into the intricate world, it’s like Dorothy entering Oz for the first time: technicolor everywhere! This book came alive.

The world-building is so beautifully constructed and vivid in the mind’s imagination.
The plot is very well paced, and throws in plot twists that will have you gripping the edge of your seat! Some threw me for a loop, and some I foresaw correctly to my endlessly excitement. It’s truly a thrilling read, but also a nerve-wracking one! The stakes are high and they feel it too— with every turn of the page I worried more and more of the fates of all my favorite characters. I held my breath at times reading through the story. All of this allowed me to genuinely engage in this story and continue to feel that full immersion. I cared deeply for these characters.

Liyen is a refreshing protagonist, she is a fallible character, but readily learns. She is soft yet sharp, brash yet resolved, she is a character with evolution. I admired her, I was inspired by her, and I felt proud of her.
She’s prone to mistakes and to stubbornness. In Part I of the book, I wanted her to become more trusting and less judgmental at a faster rate, yet she’s resistant for so long. It admittedly frustrated me, but the narration does something I thought was quite clever in which we’d see Liyen herself regret certain words and actions she’d dealt. And question her own resistance. The reasoning why she ultimately settled to keep her heart close and her mind on guard is absolutely understanding, and that grounded me back to her, rather than rushing to get ahead. Any frustration became fleeting because, yes I’d want her to do this or not say that, but I absolutely understood the why. She is a very vulnerable character, which is always my favorite type. A heroine not made of steel but made of feelings, of softness and of sharpness, of mistakes and of rightness. She is ever flowing and ever growing.

Speaking of which…

At a certain point in her arc, Liyen comes face to face with a pivotal decision, with a need to make a choice, that is a familiar device used in narratives that feature a specific trope too spoilery to mention. This decision is one I initially feared. I don’t want to spoil it, so I’ll leave it as vague as possible. But in these types of scenarios, I feel a character’s essence, as we come to know it, drastically changes. I was so concerned on how it would turn out— I expected what I’m used to seeing in these kinds of scenarios. Instead, Sue Lynn Tan said not so fast. Liyen’s heart, as we know it, remains steadfast, from beginning to ending. I can’t express how much that means to me. That when faced a forked path, she stays true to herself. I can’t elaborate more without delving into spoilers, so instead let me celebrate Liyen for who she is. For growing over the course of her journey, for learning from her mistakes, for becoming more open-minded— and for never compromising who she is to achieve that evolution.

Then there’s the romance

Zhangwei is alluring, mysterious, dynamic, and a charmingly enigmatic character.
He’s initially a very quiet character, yet somehow he never feels out of reach or underdeveloped. He’s present and that presence is essential to the plot. When he’s on page, all eyes are on him. I wanted to get to know him and slowly but surely did. Every reveal of his character only increased his magnetism. Without a POV, he is still very much a well developed co-lead. Every page he’s not featured, he’s missed, and that speaks volume for just how appealing his character is.

All of this is the makings of a very competent, well-balanced, and sizzling partner in chemistry to Liyen. He’s her equal even when the balance should be offset: they always seem so perfectly match regardless of perceived differences. Whether it’s an exchange of biting words or charged looks or heart to hearts. They fit in a way they may not want (or do they?) but so undeniably do. Their relationship is not one made without strife, in fact angst features regularly. Their relationship has beautiful chemistry, and plenty of hurdles. Hurdles they will need to face together, hurdles set on an entirely uphill battle. But every step forward is a step earned, a step well fought for, and a step that builds towards a gorgeously worthwhile romance. This is a romance that builds not just on physical attraction, but soul attraction, on emotional, intelligence attraction. It's layered stupendously throughout its development.

I can’t express the number of times I was itching to sneak a peek at the ending, I needed a happily ever after so badly and was scared at the what if there’s not?. I can’t tell you if there is one, but I can say I am so glad I didn’t spoil the ending and that I allowed myself to feel every single emotion that rushed at me as I took this journey truthfully. As I discovered every plot twist, every character evolution, every step in romance taken forward. It made for an incredibly memorable experience.

I do wish there had been an epilogue, I am now desperate for bonus content that gives us an epilogue. I am the type of reader that loves to know know what the future will hold for the characters. Nevertheless, the ending leaves me satisfied (but I will always welcome any additional content, haha!).

I consider this book a masterpiece. I have been so very eagerly anticipating its release and reading this has only increased that anticipation. I now know the wonders within the book and I am so excited to have the physical copy in my hands to feel it in a whole new way. Until then, I carry this one in my heart.

If you love fantastical settings that are intricate yet easily accessible, if you love romances that bring both the angst and triumphs, and if you love protagonists that stay true to themselves to the very end, be sure to check out Immortal by Sue Lynn Tan.

Thank you NetGalley, Avon and Harper Voyager for this complimentary copy, I leave this honest review voluntarily.