A review by samiism
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin


Update: If you really liked this book, I highly suggest "Mythic Quest" on Apple TV. Especially the episode Dark Quiet Death (S1E5) and Sarian (S3E7).

Listen. It took me far longer than I expected to finish this book. At around 20-40%, when it felt like I’d been reading for ages, I contemplated DNF’ing multiple times. I put this book on hold for weeks. And it’s really only because I had a flight across the US that I finally found the time to finish this. So I get why some people don’t like it, but I also get why others love it. I was in both camps.

It’s certainly different from all the other fiction books I’ve read. Its pace is fast and slow at the same time. It covers multiple POVs. An obscure word will pop out here and there. It has no spice, despite
SpoilerDov’s many kinks

And look, as a casual gamer who enjoys chill games only like Super Mario, LEGO HP/SW, Animal Crossing, and only one MMORPG (Destiny), and finding Pac-Man too stressful, you don’t need video game knowledge to enjoy this book. Anyone who says otherwise is… wrong.