A review by pocketbard
Echoes of the Imperium by Nicholas Atwater, Olivia Atwater

It’s hard for me to be objective about this book. Nicholas and Olivia are dear friends of mine, and I was present for the very inception of this book, when it was a fun lunchtime writing project for Nicholas on the days he was bored at work. I spent many afternoons having tea with him as we brainstormed upcoming chapters. I alpha read and even edited several of the early drafts, though I stepped away from the project a few years ago. I am beyond thrilled that they’ve finally brought the book to the hands of so many new readers – it’s very well deserved! Given all of that, though, it’s very hard for me to judge this book on its own merits, based only on the final version and not the earlier drafts I also read. Here’s my best stab at it: I adore all the characters on the Rose. I couldn’t even pick my favourite. Nicholas does a great job of presenting flawed, lovable characters that you desperately want to root for. The worldbuilding is also great, full of hinted-at places that make you wish for more. (Fun fact: I actually wrote some Iron Rose fanfiction based on earlier drafts of the book, which will no longer work given the final version, but that I was tickled to write anyway.) I love the banter, and Nicholas is particularly good at it. While there is plenty of swashbuckling adventure, you do need to go into this book prepared to face some fairly heavy themes and emotional conflict, and some deeper questions about whether ends justify means. I’m so very pleased with the final version, and wish Nicholas and Olivia the best of luck with book 2!