A review by morganjanedavis
Carrie by Stephen King


Since Carrie is a horror classic in the literary world and just amongst horror culture in general, I'll spare the synopsis :-)

Rereading this close to 10 years later brought new clarity to Carrie. Although the story line was familiar and already spoiled, I wasn't any less engaged and/or bored. This King work is a bit more succinct, as his trademark writing style is normally characterized by an extreme amount of detail. While detail is definitely provided here, I didn't feel it was too much. I completely forgot that the story is told through the lens of minds who are documenting and researching people with TK abilities, so it was really neat to watch that portion unfold after forgetting it existed. Ultimately, just as it did the first time I read it, I just wanted more for Carrie. I get that's part of what makes the story so gut wrenching but, seeing someone get failed in every way by everyone always hits me hard regardless of the gory pieces that take place in between. Blood is heavily referenced throughout (duh) and aside from the now iconic way it is used during the climax of the book, I found it interesting that it worked its way in in less significant ways, which can be seen as foreshadowing of the events to come. This classic is a must read if you're into horror of any sort.